Discover the Année Autrement Training Program: Extend Your Erasmus Plus Experience

Have you heard about the Année Autrement training program? Funded by Erasmus Plus, this program offers continuous professional training. It proposes candidates to undertake a 6-month internship abroad, which can be extended up to eleven months. Recognized by local missions, MFRs (Maisons Familiales Rurales), and Pôle Emploi, the Année Autrement training program encourages trying or…


Useful Erasmus plus links

Before your Erasmus departure  Once you’ve decided to leave and you’ve talked to your host company and the educational body or Pôle Emploi managing your departure, it can be hard to feel like you’re on your own. What will it be like to live there? What can you expect? These are all legitimate questions to…


Erasmus Plus for jobseekers

Erasmus Plus for jobseekers: opening up to a new way of working   It’s often mistakenly thought to be aimed at students. But packing your bags for European mobility can be a winning combo for those not working in France. What are the main professional benefits of Erasmus Plus for jobseekers?  Open up your CV…


Testimonial: the Erasmus Plus experience

Still not decided about European mobility ? Are you getting ready to leave and wondering what to expect during an Erasmus Plus program? Are you feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension? Don’t worry, you’re part of the large European community (not to say family) that’s trying this adventure. Here’s a selection of advice from…


How to get an Erasmus grant

Getting involved in an Erasmus mobility project often requires finding funding. This is why the Erasmus program also includes financial aid possibilities such as grants.    The question is then: how to get an Erasmus scholarship? We explain everything in our article.   CONDITIONS TO GET THE ERASMUS GRANT When you are looking for funding…


Organize a school trip to Malta

A school trip is always a rewarding experience for students. Discoveries, new encounters, the practice of a foreign language, school trips are perfect opportunities for this! This article explains everything about organizing a school trip to Malta, a destination that offers a wide variety of activities.  A perfect place for a language study trip in…


Organize a school trip to Ireland

School trips are always a golden opportunity for students to live a new, enriching experience. Discovering a new country, a new language, and a new culture is a significant advantage for their personal and academic career.  Concerning foreign language learning, the emphasis is generally on English. It is an essential language for the professional future…


Why should I organize Erasmus+ mobility?

Many students decide to go on an adventure every year thanks to the Erasmus+ international mobility program.  The European Union has a budget of several billion euros per year for the Erasmus+ mobility program, which focuses on education, training, and youth.  Erasmus+ mobility enables students who pursue higher education to undertake placements or study abroad. …


6 reasons to do your internship abroad

To conclude their bachelors, bachelors or masters, students are required to do internships in business to enrich their professional experience, which is all the more valued when done in a company abroad.  Globalization and current trends are making companies increasingly demanding regarding recruitment.  One or more experiences abroad will make your profile stand out. In…


How to create a successful english CV

With globalization, companies are increasingly opening up to the international market. As for students, they are also more and more interested in these sectors : International trade, tourism, diplomacy, digital marketing, but also foreign languages. International openness goes hand in hand with a much greater presence of the English language in the professional environment.  Our…


FAQ – Internships during COVID 19

Today we are presenting a different article on our blog! Recently, we had the chance to meet Marie, a second year Master student in International Project Negotiation who is doing her end of course internship in Barcelona. She gave us a testimony about her internship, her tasks, her stay in Barcelona, but also about how…


Organize a school trip to Spain

Spain offers many possibilities for enriching, exciting, and reasonably priced school trips. It is the second-largest tourist destination in the world after France, a country where the diversity of cultures, landscapes, and cities make it a must-see destination for a school trip. Even neighboring countries, Spanish culture is entirely different from French culture, hence the…


6 tips to handle a remote internship

Even if remote internships seem to develop faster in the main European countries than in France, we all had to adapt to the rare situation we are going through due to COVID-19. Whether it’s for an internship or a permanent position, it’s not easy to change work habits. That’s why Mobi Trainee is giving you…


To do your internship abroad remotely

How does a remote internship work? Considering the current health crisis, students who have to do an internship could do it remotely with a company based abroad with an internship agreement. Remote internships can revolutionize the exceptional “hassle” that we are all currently going through! Several companies and host structures can offer you to work…


Placement agencies for the Erasmus Plus program

An Erasmus Plus placement agency is an essential pillar which facilitates the European mobility of young students wishing to have a professional experience abroad. To facilitate international exchanges and cooperation between different institutions across the European Union, it is essential to increase funding and improve partnerships within the Erasmus Plus network. In this article, the…


An Erasmus for organic farmers

In terms of European mobility for Erasmus Plus students and workers undergoing retraining, Italy is one of the most dynamic countries in this field. The peninsula not only has a high quality university network but also positions itself on ecological themes that are very attractive for young Europeans who wish to train in organic farming.…


What are the Erasmus days ?

The edition of the Erasmus Days, the official European festival celebrating international mobility and European citizenship, took place between the 10th and the 12th of October. During these three days, many universities, associations, companies and Europeans organized Erasmus Plus events. Let’s take a look back at this popular and solidarity festival that was widely celebrated…


Erasmus Plus and Brexit

English-speaking countries are among the favorite destinations for Erasmus students, but could the recent news in the United Kingdom jeopardize the project of students who were planning to study abroad? In this second article dealing with this news, we give you a quick overview of the consequences of Brexit on the European mobility of Erasmus…


Doing an internship in Berlin

Berlin is not a very attractive destination for many Europeans. However, we will see that it can be an alternative destination to English speaking countries. There are many opportunities available! After reading this article you will want to try the German experience for your Erasmus internship.    BERLIN, A CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES Germany is an…


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