Comment faire un CV réussi ?

How to write a successful CV ?

Writing a good CV is the starting point when searching for an internship, a job or a block training course. Be aware that the CV is your professional portfolio. Indeed, according to a study carried out in january of 2019, 52 % of recruiters admitted they turned down CV for their lack of proper french.…

comment trouver un job étudiant

How to find a student job?

Many students are unable to finance their studies, even as scholars. A student job provides additional income and a budget at the end of the month. Therefore, it allows them to improve their standard of living, finance their leisure activities, and live their student life in better conditions.  In this article we give you some…


Holidays in Spain

This article relates the public holidays in Spain and those specific to each region and community. National Public Holidays 1 January: New Year’s Day6 January: EpiphanyMarch or April: Holy Thursday (except in Catalonia)March or April: Good Friday1 May: Labour Day15 August: Assumption of Mary12 October: Spanish National Day1 November: All Saints Day6 December: Constitution Day8…

Enseigner à l'étranger

Teaching abroad

The Erasmus programme is mostly known for making possible student mobility in the countries that have affiliated to it. Since the Erasmus+ programme creation in 2014, every individual can benefit from the programme according to their status and only if their institution has an Erasmus+ partnership. As a teacher; you also have the right to…

Erasmus+ pour la mobilité des apprentis en Europe

Erasmus+ mobility for apprentices

In 2017, 6 800 french apprentices went on a mobility trip in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ programme.  Whether you are an apprentice, student or teacher, do not limit yourself on your mobility trip project. You can benefit from various financial and organizational advantages thanks to the Erasmus+ programme.  Since 1995, you can make your…