ErasmusLe Brexit aura-t-il est impact des les mobilité à l'étranger ?

The end of Erasmus exchanges with the United Kingdom? 

By the end of March 2019 the United Kingdom will not be part of the European Union officially. The Erasmus+ directives impose an inbound trip to France for the students making an Erasmus in the United Kingdom before the end of March 2019. Erasmus exchanges  will be suspended as well as the scholarships given to go to the UK will be frozen. Mobi Trainee will not manage any mobility project for the UK after March 2019. 

The Erasmus exchanges to the UK are beneficial for students. Indeed, they do not pay any tuition fees for British universities, which are generally very expensive. Therefore, the exchanges to the UK will be accessible for a limited number of people in mobility projects. 

In addition, the UK was a popular destination for internships. Indeed, 20% of French students choose to make their internship mobility in the British territory. 

However, if you are making an Erasmus mobility after the end of March 2019, there will be no impact for instance because England will remain in the Erasmus programme until 2020. 


Mobilities to the UK will still be possible? 

Indeed, the UK will still be able to continue practicing the Erasmus programme, if the Parliament decides to maintain it. Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have joined this international mobility programme, even though they do not make part of the European Union. 

In addition, if the UK continues this programme it will not affect their economy due to the high student mobility rates in the territory. There is still a long way to go, according to Rory Palmer, British european deputee, “the uncertainty around the participation of Britain in the Erasmus programme affects the young people who plan their studies, ignoring if they will have the same opportunities as the previous generations”. 

Finally, a new agreement on the Erasmus+ programme should be launched starting December 2020, which might leave space for several negotiations. 


Degree recognition

Today, if  a european student graduates in England he can work in the 28 countries that are members of the European Union. Yet, once the UK will withdraw from the EU, the obtained degrees will be recognised exclusively in England. 


Will there be a need for a visa? 

Yes. This could curb even more the european and international exchanges to the UK. As an example, Oxford University welcomes 6 european students out of 10. The implementation of a visa could add a difficulty to the Erasmus mobility to Britain. 


Considering other destinations

Organising mobilities to England will become more expensive than travelling to the United States. This is why it would be better to consider an alternative for your initial country of destination. The Eastern countries are not to be neglected, as they are mostly English-speaking and economically speaking they are all appealing. Southern Ireland is very popular at the moment, especially the cities of Dublin and Cork. You could also travel to a sunny place such as Malta where you can learn and study English as well. Mobi Trainee proposes different destinations for your experience abroad.