bourse erasmus

How to get an Erasmus grant

Getting involved in an Erasmus mobility project often requires finding funding. This is why the Erasmus program also includes financial aid possibilities such as grants.    The question is then: how to get an Erasmus scholarship? We explain everything in our article.   CONDITIONS TO GET THE ERASMUS GRANT When you are looking for funding…

voyage scolaire en Irlande

Organize a school trip to Ireland

School trips are always a golden opportunity for students to live a new, enriching experience. Discovering a new country, a new language, and a new culture is a significant advantage for their personal and academic career.  Concerning foreign language learning, the emphasis is generally on English. It is an essential language for the professional future…

organiser mobilité internationale Erasmus

Why should I organize Erasmus+ mobility?

Many students decide to go on an adventure every year thanks to the Erasmus+ international mobility program.  The European Union has a budget of several billion euros per year for the Erasmus+ mobility program, which focuses on education, training, and youth.  Erasmus+ mobility enables students who pursue higher education to undertake placements or study abroad. …

faire son stage à l’étranger

6 reasons to do your internship abroad

To conclude their bachelors, bachelors or masters, students are required to do internships in business to enrich their professional experience, which is all the more valued when done in a company abroad.  Globalization and current trends are making companies increasingly demanding regarding recruitment.  One or more experiences abroad will make your profile stand out. In…

comment réussir son CV en anglais

How to create a successful english CV

With globalization, companies are increasingly opening up to the international market. As for students, they are also more and more interested in these sectors : International trade, tourism, diplomacy, digital marketing, but also foreign languages. International openness goes hand in hand with a much greater presence of the English language in the professional environment.  Our…

stage étranger télétravail covid témoignage étudiant

FAQ – Internships during COVID 19

Today we are presenting a different article on our blog! Recently, we had the chance to meet Marie, a second year Master student in International Project Negotiation who is doing her end of course internship in Barcelona. She gave us a testimony about her internship, her tasks, her stay in Barcelona, but also about how…

paysage espagne barcelone

Organize a school trip to Spain

Spain offers many possibilities for enriching, exciting, and reasonably priced school trips. It is the second-largest tourist destination in the world after France, a country where the diversity of cultures, landscapes, and cities make it a must-see destination for a school trip. Even neighboring countries, Spanish culture is entirely different from French culture, hence the…