Erasmus Plus for jobseekers: opening up to a new way of working
It’s often mistakenly thought to be aimed at students. But packing your bags for European mobility can be a winning combo for those not working in France. What are the main professional benefits of Erasmus Plus for jobseekers?
- Open up your CV to the world and enrich your experience
- Adapt to a new culture and corporate culture
- Immerse yourself in a new language at work
- Opting to settle and work in a country where the economic crisis is less severe
Without a doubt, this experience in a foreign company is a real plus for your CV. Whatever your age or professional profile, the support offered by the European Union and ‘Pôle Emploi’ is suitable for all profiles. What’s more, these two organizations offer support and financial assistance for your departure.
Read more: Erasmus plus for jobseekers (Pôle emploi)
The main sectors offering jobs abroad are as follows:
- Commerce, administration, legal professions
- Tourism, services, hotels and restaurants
- Construction and engineering
- New technologies, communication platforms
Testimonial: ‘I’ve decided to leave’.
On paper, the idea is appealing, but you don’t know what to expect? Here’s a testimonial gathered by Mobi Trainee. Julia Mansouri, originally from Lyon, decided after two years of post-pandemic job hunting to try out Europe. This thirty-something describes herself as ‘worn out by the job market in France, which was less and less suited to her’. Her skills profile completed, she opted for Italy, a culture to which she is close.
READ: Why organize an Erasmus+ mobility program?
After submitting an application to her Pôle Emploi advisor, the answer came, the suitcases were packed and Julia embarked for six months in Milan. As a brand communications manager, she’ll be discovering a stimulating new professional environment. Erasmus Plus for jobseekers? ‘At first, it can be scary, I was apprehensive about the language and other working methods I didn’t know anything about. But it took me two weeks to get used to it, and it went very smoothly,’ she says. She continues: ‘Italy has a completely different corporate culture to France. We say when things are going badly, of course, but also when things are going well!’ This has enabled this European to regain her self-confidence at work. Julia has since returned to the French system with a smile on her face and a new lease of life.
Ready to take the plunge? Don’t hesitate to share your experiences on Mobi Trainee’s social networks!