Why embark on an ERASMUS mobility abroad?

Getting away from everyday life and participating in a mobility program such as ERASMUS abroad can offer a multitude of advantages and enriching experiences. Here are some reasons to help you make the decision:

  • Personal growth: Living in a foreign country exposes you to new cultures and experiences. This promotes significant personal growth by encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and adapt to a different environment.
  • Development of intercultural skills: Immersion in a different culture offers the opportunity to develop intercultural skills. Learning to communicate effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives is a valuable skill in an increasingly globalized world.
  • Language improvement: Choosing a destination where a different language is spoken allows you to significantly improve your language skills by being constantly surrounded by the language. This linguistic progress can be a valuable asset both personally and professionally.
  • Expansion of professional and social networks: Meeting people from around the world, including classmates, teachers, and local professionals, provides the opportunity to expand your social and professional network, which can be beneficial in the future.
  • Unique academic experience: Participating in academic programs abroad allows access to different educational approaches as well as unique resources and perspectives, thus enriching your academic training.
  • Increased employability: International experience is often valued in the job market. Employers seek candidates with intercultural skills, high adaptability, and a global outlook. Participating in a program like ERASMUS can set you apart and increase your attractiveness to future employers.
  • Self-discovery: The experience abroad offers the opportunity to learn more about yourself, your values, and your goals. It is a prime time for self-discovery that can influence your future choices and objectives.

In summary, stepping out of the usual routine and engaging in a mobility experience like ERASMUS can be a valuable investment in your personal and professional growth, providing skills and perspectives beneficial throughout life.

Who can organize an Erasmus+ mobility?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and organizations related to education can apply for funding in two ways:

  • Short-term mobility projects (2 weeks to 1 month) for learners and staff for a period of 6 to 18 months.
  • Accredited mobility projects. These accredited organizations receive regular funding for mobility activitiesNo prior experience in the Erasmus+ program is required to apply.

For more information about the program, visit the official Erasmus site and our article what is an Erasmus mobility project?

Who can benefit from an Erasmus Plus internship mobility?

The Erasmus Plus program allows a wide audience to discover the member countries of the European Union and share the same values of solidarity and knowledge exchange. Anyone who can follow a training or extend their school learning can participate in Erasmus Plus, such as:

  • students in schools (kindergarten, primary school, middle school, and high school)
  • higher education students (university and colleges)
  • educational and teaching teams
  • adults seeking an internship abroad
  • job seekers

Which mobility suits me?

  • To prepare the most suitable mobility, it is necessary to identify the needs of the young people and the objective of the internship at the heart of the training. The most important points to determine are the number of participants and the duration of the internship, and therefore the dates, the sector of activity, and the type of internship (discovery or practical).
  • If a particular destination is desired, it is important to consider the language levels of the young people and the sectors of activity. Mobi Trainee helps you select the most appropriate destination for your mobility: Spain (Barcelona, MadridValenciaSevillaPalma), IrelandMaltaBrussels
  • Then, it is necessary to identify the activities related to the internships (city tours and historical sites visits, language courses) and the preferences regarding accommodation, whether it is with a host family or in a youth hostel.

How to set up my budget?

  • The Erasmus agency maintains a pricing grid indicating the funds allocated for mobilities by destination. These rates take into account the cost of transport and accommodation expenses indexed to the cost of living in the visited countries. All the information can be found on the website of the European Commission program.
  • Mobi Trainee sets up a budget as close as possible to the needs of each project. It ensures the quality of services by working with long-standing partners in terms of accommodation, activities, or transportation. It also provides advice for managing your budget.

To complement Erasmus+ funding, you can rely on other aids from institutions (Regional funding or others foundation programs, for example) and many others (feel free to contact us for more information).

Mobi Trainee and Erasmus plus quality standards

Mobi Trainee takes special care to offer quality mobilities that meet the Erasmus+ quality standards.

  • Commitment to mobility quality.High-quality internships by carefully selecting relevant host organizations. Our priority is to ensure that each participant acquires valuable professional skills.
  • Personalized support and participant well-beingAttentive and individualized support is offered to each participant throughout their stay. We assist them in preparing for their mobility, respond to their specific needs, and ensure their overall well-being.
  • Compliance with safety and protection standardsThe safety and protection of participants are at the heart of our concerns. We strictly comply with current regulations and ensure that the living conditions are safe and appropriate.
  • Continuous Evaluation for Ongoing ImprovementWe conduct regular monitoring of mobility projects, evaluating outcomes and gathering participant feedback. This constant approach aims to continually improve our services, ensuring an optimal experience.
  • Core Values: Inclusion, Diversity, Equality, Sustainability.Through our mobilities, we work to promote inclusion and diversity, equal opportunities while emphasizing the eco-responsibility of our projects.

What services does Mobi Trainee offer?

  • Internship: The details of the internship such as the field and type of company trainee preferences duration number of hours and tasks to be completed are discussed. This step allows young people to choose opportunities that match their professional goals. Once the contract is signed with a minimum anticipation of 3 months the Mobi Trainee team starts the prospecting process communicating with the project manager the internship proposals encountered. Receiving CVs is required at this time. Students are primarily placed in pairs in companies unless otherwise indicated by the tutor or project manager.
  • Accommodations / Type of Boarding: The young people are placed in groups in host families with a minimum of two participants per family ensuring a better cultural immersion and personal safety.
  • Preparation / Logistics: This includes travel arrangements, documentation, insurance, and pre-departure training sessions to ensure participants are fully prepared for their mobility experience.

Why choose the all-inclusive package from Mobi Trainee?

Mobi Trainee is a seasoned placement agency. With its experience since 2016, it will offer you comprehensive support for your project.

  • Support in a variety of destinations: English-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Portuguese-speaking, and Italian-speaking
  • Presence in 3 destinations: offices in Barcelona, Madrid, and Palma de Mallorca
  • A consultant who helps the institution define the mobility project: from the choice of destination to the prospecting of companies on site…
  • A collaboration contract drafted and signed by both parties: a guarantee of safety!
  • An assistance service provided by a team available 7 days a week and a listening ear in case of emergency!
  • Personalized support for everyone
  • A multilingual team!
  • Activities and language courses offered
  • Tailored accommodation solutions to meet everyone’s needs and arrival transfer options
  • A 360° vision of the Erasmus+ program and its trends mouvances

What is the role of the project manager at Mobi Trainee?

  • The project manager plays a central role in supporting mobility. They ensure the connection between the school, internships, and host families before, during, and after mobility, thus facilitating harmonious coordination and effective monitoring throughout the process.
  • They approach companies to find high-quality internships that meet the expectations of the young people and align with their capabilities.
  • They conduct a preparatory and informational meeting for students and accompanying persons before mobility.
  • They manage arrival and departure transfers.
  • They organize the schedule for the first and last day of the internship.
  • They transmit and gather evaluations from the internship supervisors.

When to call on the project manager at Mobi Trainee?

During the preparation, the project manager is responsible for finding companies, booking accommodations, activities, transfers, and transportation cards and organizing the schedule for the first day of the internship.

They organize an online meeting with teachers and students to present the Erasmus+ internship mobility in detail.

If possible, they can join the students and chaperones on the first day of the internship to, if necessary, translate and assist with signing agreements.

During mobility, they remain reachable 7 days a week for support and resolution of any issues.

Which accommodation to choose?

1. The host family option allows:

  • Shared rooms for 2 to 4 people.
  • Linguistic and cultural immersion.
  • Support for the young person, such as logistical help (meals, assistance with transportation and health issues, emotional support).
  • Depending on the meal plan chosen, the young person will have meals with the host family and a packed lunch (sandwich) for their workday.
  • Additional information relay and curfew management.

2. The youth hostel option allows:

  • Shared rooms for 2 to 12 people.
  • Access to a kitchen, meals are self-catered.
  • The whole group shares the same daily life, making it a practical solution for monitoring the young people, strengthening the group, and developing autonomy.

Trainees will have to sign a code of conduct specifying the rules and obligations to be respected. They can communicate any issues to their school and Mobi Trainee so that necessary adjustments can be made.

Which transfer to choose?

The transfer arrangements vary depending on the place and time of arrival. Two options are highlighted:

  • Dropping off the young people at the host families/youth hostel with a private transfer: practical and comfortable at any time.
  • Arriving in the city center by public transport: economical but not suitable for arrivals before 7 a.m. or after 8 p.m. as host families do not travel at these times.

Mobi Trainee offers arrival services, including assistance with distribution to host families or youth hostel accommodation, and distribution of transport cards.

What happens on the first day of the internship?

  • If requested, Mobi Trainee organizes the drop-off of the young people at their internships.
  • Mobi Trainee provides a guide with information about the internships, accommodations, and other practical information to facilitate mobility. Life in host families, at the hostel, daily commutes, and available resource persons are explained to help trainees adapt to their new environment.
  • The signing of internship agreements takes place on the first day during the drop-off of students at their internship sites.

Does Mobi Trainee handle internship monitoring and evaluations?

  • The consultant in charge of the project is constantly in contact with the companies.
  • Mobi Trainee organizes tutor/supervisor meetings, covering mid-term and final evaluations, to ensure the presence of tutors in the companies during evaluations. The final meeting is an opportunity to review the internship and collect the necessary documents, including attendance certificates.
  • Our team organizes a review of the entire Erasmus internship mobility upon the group’s return, to identify positive aspects and areas for improvement.

How to showcase the trainees' experience?

  • Once the mobility is completed, it is important to showcase the experience at all levels: internships, companies, families, young people, activities, support, etc.
  • To do this, we encourage young people and supervisors to take photos and videos throughout their stay.
  • Creating a feedback allows the young person to reflect on their mobility and measure their achievements while creating content publishable on social networks that will increase the Erasmus visibility of their school.